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October 21, 2020
UC Merced professors David Strubbe and Aurora Pribram-Jones and PhD student Brittany Harding attended the SACNAS virtual conference this week, for mentoring students, judging posters, and representing UC Merced graduate programs, and Brittany to present a talk entitled "Adiabatic...
October 6, 2020
Science by Diverse Scientists: A Cal-Bridge Physics & Astronomy Seminar Series ( "Searching for the Brightest Light" Franklin Dollar Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine Recording, ...
June 3, 2020
Prof. Strubbe and Pribram-Jones host the virtual Electronic Structure Workshop from UC Merced, 3-5 June 2020. CfHEDS grad student Md. Mehdi Masud presented a poster and other students participated. LLNL scientists organized a code tutorial.
June 1, 2020
CfHEDS undergraduate students are working with Dr. Dave Rakestraw of LLNL on his phone physics project this summer, developing activities for introductory physics using smartphone sensors. UC Merced: David Lucas, Jonathan Loera, Kyle Magro, and Fnu Azma. FAMU: Jabari Allen. Morehouse: John Ali.
March 2, 2020
CfHEDS scientists were scheduled to attend the American Physical Society and present several talks about our research in high-energy density science. Unfortunately the conference was canceled due to COVID-19. Daniel Gebremedhin, Charles A. Weatherford, and Brian Wilson, "...
February 7, 2020
Dr. Attila Cangi of Sandia National Laboratory will give a chemistry seminar at UC Merced on Jan 31 entitled "First-principles simulations of warm dense matter."
November 10, 2019
Professor Aurora Pribram-Jones from the University of California, Merced was interviewed on the "I'm a scientist and..." podcast. Aurora chronicles their non-traditional path to academia and shares their approach to building safe spaces in the classroom. The interview also discussed...
July 23, 2019
The High-Energy Density Science Center at LLNL hosted a University Partners Day with talks, discussions, and posters, involving faculty and students from CfHEDS and other universities, as well as other LLNL summer students.  
May 19, 2019
Prof. Strubbe is interviewed about high energy density science and other topics, on Science Studio of National Public Radio station KTEP at the University of Texas at El Paso. Listen here.
May 16, 2019
UC Merced graduate students in physics and chemistry visited Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory on May 16, to tour the National Ignition Facility, hear from students, postdocs, and staff members about their work and careers, learn about ooportunities at the lab, and see presentations about high...
